Digital Image Processing through Hierarchical Clustering Methods, Tree Classifier of Data Mining

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Reena Hooda


Digital image processing is one of the research areas for applicability of the data mining techniques. Clustering, k-nearest neighbor, decision tree classifier, neural networks are important techniques of mining that are useful for data analysis in most of the fields. Mining methods can works with the text, numbers, plus the multimedia like video and images also. The present paper target toward the analysis of the digital images stored in a system and this procedure includes many tasks say importing of the images for input, processing the images in that numeric values are computed for the given attributes of the input images, then performing mining operations to deduce the results. Due to advancement of mining tools this task is less time consuming and cost effective too moreover flexibility is provided to the user to select the desired method to get the different view of the outcomes.

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How to Cite
, R. H. (2017). Digital Image Processing through Hierarchical Clustering Methods, Tree Classifier of Data Mining. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(6), 145 –.