Analysis of Challenges for Blockchain Adoption in Enterprise Distributed Applications

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Zeeshan Ali Siddiqui
Mohd. Haroon


Decentralization, auditability, smart execution, and security are four ways that blockchain technology (BCT) differs from current cutting-edge technologies based on client-server architecture. Without the need of any middlemen, blockchain technology builds trust between untrustworthy parties. By employing its distinctive properties, blockchain technology is presently used to address the problems of enterprise distributed applications (EDAs) to some extent. As a result, businesses involved in a wide range of industries have shown interest in it. Despite being praised as tool for businesses to create secure applications, BCT is still not widely used. The objective of the current study is to use an extension of the technology acceptance model (TAM2), constituted by 15 hypotheses (H1–H15), to address the factors that influence professionals' desire to adopt the BCT in the EDAs. In order to achieve the research objective, the study consists of a quantitative non-experimental correlational method with the goal of creating an empirical model to evaluate the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, scalability, effort, performance, adaptability, maintainability, experience, and blockchain adoption in India with a focus on EDAs. Descriptive analysis, discriminant analysis, multiple linear regression, ANOVA, homoscedasticity, multicollinearity, reliability, linearity, survey question's normality, and independent errors are conducted to analyze survey data from a sample of 396 IT professionals from various firms in India. The findings show that IT professionals' desire to employ the BCT in EDAs are positively impacted by all the hypothesis except H3 and H8 that has no impact on IT professionals' desire to employ BCT.

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How to Cite
Siddiqui, Z. A. ., & Haroon, M. . (2023). Analysis of Challenges for Blockchain Adoption in Enterprise Distributed Applications. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(8s), 474–482.


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