Worldwide Consumption of Sodium and Its Impact on Human Health

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Sonal Dhemla, Dr Kanika Varma


Sodium intake of different populations around the world varies markedly. In the vast majority of populations, salt intake is high and well above recommended daily intakes. There is strong and consistent evidence from animal studies, clinical trials and epidemiological data both within and across populations implicating high salt intake as an important risk factor for high blood pressure among both normotensive and hypertensive individuals. High salt is also associated with increased risk of future CHD and stroke. A search strategy was developed to identify studies that reported the data base about sodium intake around the world as well as its impact on human health. Data available around the world indicates that there is a strong need to initiate the sodium reduction programme as excessive sodium consumption found to be associated with many health problems especially hypertension which may further leads to cardiovascular disease and many more.

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How to Cite
, S. D. D. K. V. (2017). Worldwide Consumption of Sodium and Its Impact on Human Health. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(6), 62–67.