Optimal and Efficient Searchable Encryption with Single Trapdoor for Multi-Owner Data Sharing in Federated Cloud Computing

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Vadlamani Veerabhadram
Gregory Arul Dalton


Cloud computing, an Internet based computing model, has changed the way of data owners store and manage data. In such environment, data sharing is very important with more efficient data access control. Issuing an aggregate key to users on data enables and authorizes them to search for data of select encrypted files using trapdoor or encrypted keyword. The existing schemes defined for this purpose do have certain limitations. For instance, Cui et al. scheme is elegant but lacks in flexibility in access control in presence of multiple data owners sharing data to users. Its single trapdoor approach needs transformation into individual trapdoors to access data of specific data owner. Moreover, the existing schemes including that of Cui et al. does not support federated cloud.  In this paper we proposed an efficient key aggregate searchable encryption scheme which enables multiple featuressuch as support for truly single aggregate key to access data of many data owners, federated cloud support,query privacy, controlled search process and security against cross-pairing attack. It has algorithms for setup, keygen, encrypt, extract, aggregate, trapdoor, test and federator. In multi-user setting it is designed to serve data owners and users with secure data sharing through key aggregate searchable encryption The proposed scheme supports federated cloud. Experimental results revealed that the proposed scheme is provably secure withrelatively less computational overhead and time complexity when compared with the state of the art.

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How to Cite
Veerabhadram, V. ., & Arul Dalton, G. . (2023). Optimal and Efficient Searchable Encryption with Single Trapdoor for Multi-Owner Data Sharing in Federated Cloud Computing. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(6s), 528–542. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i6s.6964


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