Evidence Of Global Warming In Nigeria

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Ukponmwan. H. Nosakhare, Ajibade, F. Bright


The paper shows evidence of global warming in Nigeria with special consideration on temperature; both maximum and minimum, rainfall, relative humidity and speed of wind. In the study, descriptive statistics were used which include mean, standard error, and variance. For the test of significant variation in the factors considered, One-Way Analysis of Variance was used. The tool is one of the parameteric tools in Statistics which implies it has underline assumptions. All the assumptions associated with the Statistical tool were tested using the most appropriate technique. The modeling of temperature and rainfall in the region was done using linear regression approach. The study reveals that temperature of the region has increased in recent time with significant increase in volume of rainfall. The observations and the future values of environmental factors considered is an implication of existence of global warming in the eastern part of Nigeria.

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How to Cite
, U. H. N. A. F. B. (2017). Evidence Of Global Warming In Nigeria. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(5), 1164–1172. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i5.674