Developing a Scale to Measure Student Quality of Life in an Online Learning Set Up in the Pandemic Context

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Exequiel R. Gono Jr.
Maribel B. Abalos


The COVID-19 pandemic brought many challenges to the student's quality of life. The University of Mindanao should develop an intervention program anchored to the new dimensions of students' quality of life. This study aims to create a scale on students' quality of life. Using a mixed-method research design, the researchers interviewed 13 students about students quality of life. The output of the interview, as well as the readings of related literature, became the basis of the Item Pool Statements (IPS). The IPS was evaluated by ten experts using Lawshe's method of Content Validation. The researchers collected 595 observations for Exploratory Factor Analysis and 3978 observations for Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The exploratory factor analysis extracted five factors: life vitality, emotional well-being, academic struggles, learning environment, financial well-being, and learning modality. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to confirm further the measures of students' quality of life in the pandemic context. It was found that there is a significant relationship with the construct (factors). There is a high internal consistency and convergent validity of each construct. In addition, the ?2/df= 2.087, CFI=.962, TLI = 0.970, and RMSEA= .048 (p close = 0.650) are fitted to the level of acceptance; thus the model is fit.

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How to Cite
Gono Jr., E. R. ., & Abalos, M. B. . (2023). Developing a Scale to Measure Student Quality of Life in an Online Learning Set Up in the Pandemic Context. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(5s), 230–238.


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