Development of a Web System to Improve and Reinforce Learning in Mathematics in Primary and Secondary Students in Peru

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Gonzalo Alejandro Palma Rosas
Marco Jair Arteaga Polo
Antony Santiago Hermosilla
Alexi Delgado
Enrique Lee Huamaní


This article describes the development and evaluation of a web system that aims to improve and reinforce mathematics learning in primary school students in Peru. Mathematics education is central to the school curriculum and it is important that students gain a solid understanding and ability to apply mathematical concepts in everyday situations. However, it is common for students to have difficulty learning and understanding courses in this subject, which can negatively affect their academic performance and self-confidence. To address this issue, a web-based system was developed that includes interactive lessons and personalized learning tools that are tailored to the individual needs of each student. The system also offers online resources and activities to help students deepen mathematical concepts and apply them to practical problems. To evaluate some drawbacks, a study was carried out with a group of parents of some primary school students in Peru. The results of the study showed that there is a worrying distrust of online study. Technology is set to revolutionize the way primary school students in Peru learn and study, providing access to a wide variety of digital resources and tools that can improve comprehension and academic performance. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of the web system developed as a tool to improve and reinforce mathematics learning in primary school students in Peru. The system provides a personalized and adaptive online learning platform that can help students improve their math skills and understanding, and increase their motivation and confidence.

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How to Cite
Palma Rosas, G. A. ., Polo, M. J. A. ., Hermosilla, A. S. ., Delgado, A. ., & Huamaní, E. L. . (2023). Development of a Web System to Improve and Reinforce Learning in Mathematics in Primary and Secondary Students in Peru. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(5s), 51–58.


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