Implementation of E-Voting via Smart Phone App

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Jeba Taslim Hidayat Baig, Prof. Rajesh Babu, Prof. J. Adhikari


Voting system is vital requirement of every country due to which representatives are elected by citizens of respective country. Voting system via smart phone app is very effective and user friendly, as physical presence is not required in native place. The objective of this system is to maximize the voting count especially from those people who are eligible but are unable to cast their vote due to transfers to different cities, higher education, NRI?s. In this smart phone application, User has to first download the app after that user has to register himself and user details are stored in online server and Aadhar id is mandatory for user to enter at the time of registration. User get notification about voting date .user has to login for casting vote to his favorable candidate. User can be authenticated by credential such as userid, password and Aadhar card scanning .Authenticated user allow viewing the candidate?s details. User has to first enter OTP which is sent to his registered mobile no then he cast his vote to favourable candidate. This app is applicable for both android users as well as users who are not familiar with android as government agent help them to cast vote. Result declared in the same day as there is no manual calculation. There is no need of election card in this app.

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How to Cite
, J. T. H. B. P. R. B. P. J. A. (2017). Implementation of E-Voting via Smart Phone App. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(5), 1040–1044.