Emerging Routing Method Using Path Arbitrator in Web Sensor Networks

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B.Harish Goud
Raju Anitha


Sophisticated Routing has a big impact on wireless sensor network performance and data delivery. Because nodes join and leave the network on a whim, routing in WSN is not as simple a task as it is throughout sensor networks that are wireless. The fact that the most of WSN devices are resource constrained is another restriction on how routing is implemented in WSN. The WSN uses a variety of routing protocols. However, the primary goal of this research is to determine the best route from the source to the destination using wireless sensor networks and machine learning techniques Which is Particle Swarm Optimization. In this study, an innovative and intelligent machine dubbed the Path Arbitrator or selector, which will store all sensor data and use machine learning methods, is used to develop a new routing mechanism.

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How to Cite
Goud, B. ., & Anitha, R. . (2023). Emerging Routing Method Using Path Arbitrator in Web Sensor Networks. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(4), 232–237. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i4.6444


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