Internal Control Automatic Physical Distance Detection System for Patient Care against a Possible COVID-19 Infection within a Health Center

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Yrene Uribe-Hernandez
Marilu Polo-Nicacio
Astrid Cardenas-Solis
Alex Pacheco-Pumaleque


Currently, COVID-19 is still present in our environment, affecting various people regardless of age. From its appearance in the city of Wuhan (China), it caused a crisis in the health system due to its rapid transmission of contagion and the lack of medicines to combat this virus, therefore, it was declared a pandemic, due to the high mortality rate that occurred around the world. To combat this viral disease, various biosecurity measures were established such as the mandatory use of a face mask and physical distancing at least 1 meter, with physical distancing being the biosecurity measure that is not respected, worse in closed places such as medical centers where a focus of contagion could originate for various patients. By respecting physical distancing, it would avoid causing a crowd that would cause disorder in the health center, therefore, it is important to maintain distancing to avoid the spread of COVID-19. In view of this problem, in this article an automatic physical distance detection system was carried out for patient care in the face of a possible COVID-19 infection within a health center, enforcing this important biosecurity measure and preventing the spread of COVID-19. Through the development of the proposed system, 98.79% efficiency was obtained in calculating the physical distancing of patients who are inside the health center, taking only 40 seconds to analyze the images of the patients.

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How to Cite
Uribe-Hernandez, Y. ., Polo-Nicacio, M. ., Cardenas-Solis, A. ., & Pacheco-Pumaleque, A. . (2023). Internal Control Automatic Physical Distance Detection System for Patient Care against a Possible COVID-19 Infection within a Health Center. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(4), 25–32.


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