A Survey on True-reputation Algorithm for Trustworthy Online Rating System

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Chanakya G. M, G. Uma Mahesh


The average of customer ratings on a product, which we call a reputation, is one of the key factors in online shoping. The common way for customers to express their satisfaction level with their purchases is through online ratings. The overall buyer?s satisfaction is quantified as the aggregated score of all ratings and is available to all buyers. This average score and reputation of a product acts as a guide for online buyers and highly influences consumer?s final purchase decisions. The trustworthiness of a reputation can be achieved when a large number of buyers involved in ratings with honesty. If some users wantedly give unfair ratings to a item, especially when few users have participated, the reputation of the product could easily be modified. In order to improve the trustworthiness of the products in e-commerce sites a new model is proposed with a true - reputation algorithm that repeatedly adjusts the reputation based on the confidence of the user ratings.

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How to Cite
, C. G. M. G. U. M. (2017). A Survey on True-reputation Algorithm for Trustworthy Online Rating System. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(5), 935–941. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i5.633