Review on Seuring Data by Using Data Leakage Prevention and Detection

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Rashmi S. Kadu, Prof. V. B. Gadicha


Today?s life everything including digital economy, data enter and leaves cyberspace at record rates. A typical enterprise sends and receives millions of email messages and downloads, saves, and transfers thousands of files via various channels on a daily basis. Enterprises also hold sensitive data that customers, business partners, regulators, and shareholders expect them to protect. While doing business we need to maintain the sensitive and confidential data. If the confidential data is leaked from the organization then it may influence on the organization heath. So preventing the data many vendors currently offer data leak prevention and detection products; surprisingly, however, there is one technique which is data leak prevention and detection, in this paper review on that Data Leak Prevention and Detection method. Here first term is data leak. Data leaks involve the release of sensitive information to an third party which is unauthorized user intentionally. Data leakage is the unauthorized transmission of data or information within an organization or from an organization to the external destination. The data stored in any device can be leaked in two ways; if the system is hacked or if the internal resources intentionally or unintentionally make the data public. Therefore, organizations should take measures to understand the sensitive data they hold, how it?s controlled, and how to prevent it from being leaked or compromised. So that purpose in this review data is preventing by using different technique of data leak prevention and detection.

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How to Cite
, R. S. K. P. V. B. G. (2017). Review on Seuring Data by Using Data Leakage Prevention and Detection. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(5), 731–735.