A Novel Method on Video Segmentation based Object Detection using Background Subtraction Technique

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M.Mary Shanthi Rani, P.Chitra, G.Shanthi


Video segmentation is a process of dividing a movie into meaningful segments. It helps in the process of the detection of moving objects within a scene which play a vital role in many application such as Surveillance, Safety, Traffic monitoring and Object detection, etc., Especially, Background subtraction methods are widely used for moving object detection in videos. In this paper, a new method has been proposed for object detection using background subtraction and thresholding based segmentation algorithms.Experimental results proved that the proposed method achieved high accuracy rate than other existing techniques.

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How to Cite
, M. S. R. P. G. (2017). A Novel Method on Video Segmentation based Object Detection using Background Subtraction Technique. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(5), 726–730. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i5.596