128-bit Vectorization on Cha-Cha20 Algorithm for Device-to-Device Communication

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M. Satish Kumar
PVRD Prasada Rao


In 5G networks, device to device(D2D) communication is the advanced technology, and it has the major advantages when compared with traditional systems. The coverage area of the system increases by device-to-device transmission which renders with low latency. No doubt, for the upcoming technologies D2D communications is an added advantage but in various views this kind of transmission is still under risk. D2D communication is transferring the information from one device to another device without the involvement of base station. So, the communication is possible with less delay time. Attackers are possible into the D2D communications. To provide the security in communication, encryption algorithms are used. The main theme of the Encryption algorithms is it should execute with less delay time to provide faster communication and in particular CHA-CHA20 offers the secure communication for encrypting the data packets to securing the data. Vectorization on Cha-Cha20 Algorithm provides the security with less delay time compared to AES encryption Algorithm and Cha-Cha20 algorithm. Compared to other encryption algorithms in cryptography, Cha-Cha20 is suited for resource constrained devices.

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How to Cite
Kumar, M. S. ., & Rao, P. P. . (2022). 128-bit Vectorization on Cha-Cha20 Algorithm for Device-to-Device Communication. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 10(2s), 281–288. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v10i2s.5945


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