Relevant Theoretical Characteristics and Trends of the “Field” Era of Live E-commerce: Knowledge Graph Analysis based on Cite Space

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Wenjun Huang
Yee Choy Leong
Noor Azlin Ismail


Existing research primarily focuses on the two core elements of “people” and “goods”, but research on the “field” element is relatively rare and scattered. Therefore, this paper will analyse the relevant research literature in the core collection database based on the Cite Space software from the two dimensions of field theory and place attachment theory. To systematically review and sort out the theoretical basis of the influence of consumers’ online behavior in live streaming and service scenarios. The current research’s characteristics and status quo are reflected through literature citation data and keyword co-occurrence. The research conclusions: the model application and interpretation situation of the theoretical basis in the live e-commerce “field” era keeps pace with the times; the research on consumer behavior in the live streaming field needs to be further expanded; Few scholars pay attention to the consumer attachment emotion formed by the live streaming scene construction.

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How to Cite
Huang, W. ., Leong, Y. C. ., & Ismail, N. A. . (2022). Relevant Theoretical Characteristics and Trends of the “Field” Era of Live E-commerce: Knowledge Graph Analysis based on Cite Space . International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 10(12), 191–202.


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