A Survey on Active Defense Honeypot Mechanism for Information Security

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Binal S. Naik, Harshal Shah


Information security is a rising concern today in this era of the internet because of the rapid development of the new attack techniques. The existing security mechanisms such as traditional intrusion detection systems, firewalls and encryption are the passive defense mechanisms. This has led to growing interest in the active defense technology like honeypots. Honeypots are fake computer Systems which appears vulnerable to attack though it actually prevents access to valuable sensitive data and administrative controls. A well designed and developed Honeypot provide data to the research community to study issues in network and information security. In this paper we examine different Types of Honeypots, Honeypot concepts and approaches in order to determine how we can intend measures to enhance security using these technologies. In this work a web application honeypot architecture is proposed.

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How to Cite
, B. S. N. H. S. (2017). A Survey on Active Defense Honeypot Mechanism for Information Security. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(5), 711–714. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i5.592