Alternate of Manual Weeding Tools: A Research into an Automatic Weeding Control Strategies Enabled by Embedded Systems

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D. Baskaran
J. Vijayakumar


A key enabling factor for treating individualized weeds in the crops is the Automatic Weeding Control device (AWCd) as it is being capable of finding and distinguishing weeds in the field. The non-herbicide approaches used to manage weeds are a component of the personalized treatment of weed crops. In this study, mechanical weed control techniques are investigated as an alternative. In this study, three specifications—a cutting mechanism, a head-surface tilling (tines), and a foot-surface tilling (arrow hoe)—are taken into account. With different rates of application to herbicide-resistant, these processes were estimated in a controlled field and the efficacy of the implementation is estimated by using the demographic analysis and also, the importance of early interface has also been highlighted. For all the weeds accounted in this research, Automatic weeding control was found to be very effective thus ended up in overall survival probability.

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How to Cite
Baskaran, D. ., & Vijayakumar, J. . (2022). Alternate of Manual Weeding Tools: A Research into an Automatic Weeding Control Strategies Enabled by Embedded Systems. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 10(2s), 01–06.


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