An Efficient and Reliable Data Transmission Service using Network Coding Algorithms in Peer-to-Peer Network

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Nilesh P. Sable
Vijay U. Rathod
Parikshit N. Mahalle
Poonam N. Railkar


Network coding is a progressive enhancement in natural network routing that increases throughput and reliability for unicast, multicast, and even broadcast transmissions. P2P networks are ideal for implementing network coding algorithms for two reasons: I. A P2P network's topology isn't predetermined. As a result, designing a topology that is compatible with the network coding algorithm is much easier. II. Every peer is an end host in this network.  As a result, instead of saving and sending the message, complex network coding operations, such as encoding and decoding, are now easier to perform. The objective of this work is to use the best features of network coding algorithms and properly apply them to P2P networks to create an efficient and reliable data transmission service. The goal of the network coding algorithm is to make better use of network resources and thus increase P2P network capacity. An encoding algorithm that enables an intermediate peer to produce output messages by encoding (that is, computing a function of the data it receives. The decoder's role is to obtain enough encoded packets so that the original information can be recovered. This research work has measured an amount of hypothetical and applied consequences in which the network coding procedure or a variation of it is used to improve performance parameters such as throughput and reliability in P2P network data transmission based on network coding. The comparison of data transmission between network routing and network coding algorithms was the main focus of this paper.  According to our simulations, the new network coding systems can reach 15% to 20% upper throughput than supplementary P2P network routing systems.

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How to Cite
Sable, N. P. ., Rathod, V. U. ., Mahalle, P. N. ., & Railkar, P. N. . (2022). An Efficient and Reliable Data Transmission Service using Network Coding Algorithms in Peer-to-Peer Network. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 10(1s), 144–154.


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