A New Big Data and Logistic Regression-Based Approach for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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Decai Zhang
Mass Hareeza Binti Ali


Businesses are being asked to assess an expanding volume of actual semi-structured and unstructured statistics to address the obstacles of internationalization and deal more effectively with the uncertainties of international integration. Big Data (BD) analytics can therefore play a strategic role in promoting the international expansion of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). The exact connection between BD Analytics and globalization has, however, only been sporadically examined in the existing literature. In this study, a quantitative analysis using a Logistic Regression (LR) concept revealed that the interaction effects between BD Analytics architecture and BD Analytics functionality are both helpful and significant but the connection between the management of BD Analytics architecture and the Degree of Internationalization (DI) is not required for internationalization development. This shows that increasing internationalization in SMEs requires more than BD Analytics governance alone. Instead, this study emphasizes the importance of building particular BD Analytics abilities and the availability of a beneficial interaction between management of BD Analytics architecture and BD Analytics abilities that could take advantage of the new information gained via BD Analytics in SME global expansion.

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How to Cite
Zhang, D. ., & Ali, M. H. B. . (2022). A New Big Data and Logistic Regression-Based Approach for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 10(11), 131–140. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v10i11.5800


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