A Framework for Computerized Adaptive Assessment based on Trajectory Driven Pedagogy Implemented in an Engineering Course

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Pallavi Asthana
Anil Kumar
Sudeep Tanwar
Sumita Mishra


Engineering education needs to be flexible with the changing technology, and it must blend traditional and new teaching pedagogy for the overall knowledge creation in the students. A survey of prevalent experiential learning methods has shown tremendous potential to improve engineering students' learning. However, existing experiential learning methods are hard to integrate with current teaching-learning process at Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow Campus, India. A pilot study conducted during Power plant Instrumentation taught in the seventh semester of the Electrical and Electronics undergraduate program balances the current teaching method with the proposed Trajectory -driven pedagogy as an alternative teaching pedagogy. A trajectory driven computerized adaptive assessment procedure for teaching has been proposed in this paper. The system follows a trajectory of courses to generate the subsequent questions from the vast database of questions. A sequence of questions is guided by Concept Map which represents the questions from three courses in a hierarchical manner. Analysis of students' assessments shows that the proposed methodology could is accurate for quantitative measurement of the course learning outcomes in a summative assessment.


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How to Cite
Asthana, P. ., Kumar, A. ., Tanwar, S. ., & Mishra, S. . (2022). A Framework for Computerized Adaptive Assessment based on Trajectory Driven Pedagogy Implemented in an Engineering Course. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 10(1s), 19–30. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v10i1s.5792


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