Developing Charity Web Application to Eradicate Poverty in Bhutan

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Cheten Dema, Sangay Zangmo, Tshering, Veelash Mongar, Kezang Dema


This paperdescribes the designsand features deduced from the extensive literature reviewsthat helped us to build the prototype of the charity web application. Literature review on poverty helped us to understand feasibility and the need of building charity web applicationto uplift the poor communities in Bhutan.The prototype had been built considering the Human Computer Interaction(HCI) domain such as navigability, visual and page design. Navigability is achieved by providing thelinks on the side bar, breadcrumbs for a complex site and search tools for the ease of use. Visual design includes the logical structuring of contents and appropriate use of fonts, graphics, space and colors. Successful user friendly website with the possibility to minimize the access time issue is defined in page design.The HCI concepts are considered while building the prototype to achieve overall effectiveness, efficiency of charity web application and user satisfaction.

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How to Cite
, C. D. S. Z. T. V. M. K. D. (2017). Developing Charity Web Application to Eradicate Poverty in Bhutan. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(5), 602–608.