Context Based Indexing On Synonym System Using Hierarchical Clustering In Web Mining

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Sunaina, Dr. N.N. Das


Now a days, the World Wide Web is the collection of large amount of information which is increasing day by day. For this increasing amount of information, there is a need for efficient and effective indexing structure. Indexing in search engines has become the major issue for improving the performance of Web search engines, so that the most relevant web documents are retrieved in minimum possible time. For this a new indexing mechanism in search engine is proposed which is based on indexing the synonym terms of the web documents, a synonym term which have multiple context with same meaning of the web documents. The indexing is performed on the bases of hierarchical clustering method which clustered the similar term documents into the same cluster and these clusters are clubbed together to form mega cluster on the basis of synonym term. With the similarity of clusters, it will optimize the search process by forming the different levels of hierarchy. Finally, it will give fast and relevant retrieval of web documents to the user.

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How to Cite
, S. D. N. D. (2017). Context Based Indexing On Synonym System Using Hierarchical Clustering In Web Mining. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(5), 550–555.