Performance Development for Securing the Data Sharing Services in Cloud Storage using Hybrid Encryption

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Thirumalaikumari T
Dr. C. Shanthi


Information sharing among more numbers of users especially the end clients. Preferable people will use famous and financially savvy cloud-based help for associations to share information with clients, and accomplices need of insider clients. This sort of administration further develops information accessibility and I/O execution by delivering and dispersing copies of shared information. Notwithstanding, such a strategy expands the capacity/network assets usage. At present, the Organizations have another choice to re-appropriate their monstrous information in the cloud without stressing over the size of information or the limit of memory. Be that as it may, moving classified and delicate information from believed person, area of the information proprietors by sharing with the public cloud will cause different security and protection chances. Moreover, the expanding measure of huge information reevaluated in the cloud builds the possibility to penetrate the protection and security of these data. Despite all the exploration that has been done around here, enormous information stockpiling security and security stays one of the main issues of associations that embrace computing and huge information technologies.

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How to Cite
T, T., & Shanthi, D. C. (2022). Performance Development for Securing the Data Sharing Services in Cloud Storage using Hybrid Encryption. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 10(7), 19–27.