Experimental Study of PaaS, Its Implementation Methods and Advantages and Challenges

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Nouby Mahdy Ghazaly


This paper will explain the concept of PaaS in detail. PaaS is platform as a service. With the help of cloud computing, there are vendors who will provide platform like hardware and software online to be used by the employees of the business or organisation. The business can send their requirements to the vendor who will provide platform as a service to them based on per service charge basis. The paper will explain types of PaaS, Characteristics. Advantages and challenges in implementation of PaaS.

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How to Cite
Ghazaly, N. M. . (2021). Experimental Study of PaaS, Its Implementation Methods and Advantages and Challenges. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 9(11), 01–05. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v9i11.5510