Various Properties and Classification of DWM for Data Protection

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Dr. Mohd Ashraf


The present world is digital world. These days, in each field there are enormous uses of digital contents. Information handled on internet and multimedia network system is in digital form. The replicating of digital content without quality loss isn't so troublesome. Because of this, there are more chances of replicating of such digital information. Thus, there is extraordinary need of prohibiting such illegal copyright of digital media. Digital watermarking (DWM) is the great solution for this issue. Digital watermarking is only the innovation where there is inserting of different information in digital content which we need to protect from illegal duplicating. This embedded information to secure the information is embedded as watermark. Past the copyright security, Digital watermarking is having some different applications as fingerprinting, proprietor recognizable proof and so forth. Digital water-marks are of various kinds as robust, fragile, visible and invisible.

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How to Cite
Ashraf, D. M. (2015). Various Properties and Classification of DWM for Data Protection. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(12), 6871–6874.