Overview of Image Processing and Various Compression Schemes

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Akanksha Kumari
Kavita Kamerikar


Image processing is key research among researchers. Compression of images are required when need of transmission or storage of images. Demand of multimedia growth, contributes to insufficient bandwidth of network and memory storage device. Advance imaging requires capacity of extensive amounts of digitized information. Therefore data compression is more required for reducing data redundancy to save more hardware space and transmission bandwidth. Various techniques are given for image compression. Some of which are discussed in this paper.

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How to Cite
Kumari, A., & Kamerikar, K. (2019). Overview of Image Processing and Various Compression Schemes. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 7(9), 01–04. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v7i9.5352