Review of Energy Efficient Techniques of IoT

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Ritesh Awasthi
Navneet Kaur


The network across which the information is sensed by the sensor devices and then forwarded to the sink is known as Internet of Things (IoT). Even though this system is deployed in several applications, there are certain issues faced in it due to its dynamic nature. The internet of things is derived from the wireless sensor networks. The sensor nodes which are deployed to sense environmental conditions are very small in size and also deployed on the far places due to which energy consumption is the major issue of internet of things. This research work related to reduce energy consumption of the network so that lifetime can be improved. In the existing system the approach of multilevel clustering is used for the data aggregation to base station. In the approach of multilevel clustering, the whole network is divided into clusters and cluster heads are selected in each cluster. The energy efficient techniques of internet of things are reviewed and analyzed in terms of certain parameters.

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How to Cite
Awasthi, R., & Kaur, N. (2019). Review of Energy Efficient Techniques of IoT. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 7(5), 17–21.