Application of Data Mining in Telecommunication Industry

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Manasvi Gawande, Manjiri Pise


Data Mining is a logical procedure intended to investigate data (normally a lot of data - commonly business or market related - otherwise called "enormous data") looking for predictable examples as well as methodical connections amongst factors, and after that to approve the discoveries by applying the recognized examples to new subsets of data. The telecommunications industry inside the division of data and correspondence technology is comprised of all Telecommunications/telephone companies and web access suppliers and assumes the urgent part in the development of versatile interchanges and the data society. Customary telephone calls keep on being the industry's greatest income generator, yet because of advances in arrange technology, Telecom today is less about voice and progressively about content (informing, email) and pictures (e.g. video gushing). Fast web access for PC based data applications, for example, broadband data administrations and intelligent stimulation , is unavoidable. Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is the primary broadband telecom technology. The quickest development originates from (esteem included) administrations conveyed over portable systems.

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How to Cite
Manasvi Gawande, Manjiri Pise. (2019). Application of Data Mining in Telecommunication Industry. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 7(1), 05–08.