Microcontroller Based Application in Electronics & Communication

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Y. S Thakur, Prashant Joshi


This paper is showing the various applications of electronics and communication which are working paralleled to each other that makes our life easy and wonder fool. In our life style from morning to evening there are various devices which we are using, and there may be much more possibilities to innovate devices. Such as smart gadgets which are capable to measure rate of change of humidity, temperature, sun light as according to weather and then system should control fan and light. There are also need of electricity consumption analysis, which keep intelligent eyes on every instrument. Here we want to develop a smart system that can analyze vehicle maintenance cycle, losses of electricity, uses of water in home or offices. In this paper we will discuss about innovative research in electronics and communications and their future scope.

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How to Cite
, Y. S. T. P. J. (2018). Microcontroller Based Application in Electronics & Communication. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 6(10), 32–34. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v6i10.5191