A Survey on Classification of Photo Aesthetics Based on Emotion

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Jyoti Chikhale, M. V. Phatak


Recognition of human facial expression and calculating exact emotion by computer vision is an interesting and challenging problem. Emotion in natural scenery images plays vital role in the way humans perceive an image. Based on the various emotions like happiness, sadness, fear, anger of any human being the images that are examined by that person can propose that if the person is in happy mood then he/she would C the same images in different ways but still can be possible to build a universal classification for various emotions. The paper proposes the various techniques of recognizing emotion on the basis of how humans perceive an image, also aims to classify the aesthetics of the photographic images and determine wallpaper (Scene or non-scene images) according to human emotions.

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How to Cite
, J. C. M. V. P. (2015). A Survey on Classification of Photo Aesthetics Based on Emotion. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(12), 6756–6758. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i12.5135