A Survey on Program Slicing

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Priya Nagargoje, V. S. Jagatap


Program slicing is an important technique for untangling programs by only focusing on selected aspects of semantics. The processing flow of slicing deletes those parts of the program that have no effect upon the semantics that are required to execute. For program slicing it is important to understand the important aspects that are related to execution and relationship of variable involved in the program. Slicing has applications in software maintenance, testing and debugging. Program slicing is a process of extracting parts of programs by tracing the programs in which the main task is to find out all statements in a program that directly or indirectly influence the value of a variable at some point in a program. In proposed paper a detailed survey is done on various slicing techniques and understanding the applications in various areas such as debugging, program comprehension and understanding, program integration,

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How to Cite
, P. N. V. S. J. (2015). A Survey on Program Slicing. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(12), 6753–6755. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i12.5134