Applications of Sensor Networks to Finding the Shortest Path by Using Dijkstra’s Algorithm

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Mohanad Najm Abdulwahd


Over the past two decades, the emergence of numerous new communication technologies has been witnessed. Among these, networking, optics, infrared, bluetooth are some. Many researchers have been focusing on this matter recently because nowadays, these technologies are used in a lot of fields in some emergency cases, especially to enable the monitoring of physical and environmental parameters for a variety of applications such as those used at homes, in offices, clinics, factories, vehicles, global environment and fire stations. These applications could monitor security and safety in the future in many private and local sectors. This paper focuses on sensor network technology used in driving smaller devices that use less power with greater functionality. It includes low – power microcontrollers with networking communication and various digital and analog sensors, a battery operated network of sensor modules to acquire a wide range of data and the real – time operating system to address the priorities of such a sensor network using low power, hard real – time constraints, and robust communication. This paper is the first step to monitoring fire and keeping it under control in conventional buildings and factories, and considers feasibility and reliability of sensor networks.

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How to Cite
, M. N. A. (2015). Applications of Sensor Networks to Finding the Shortest Path by Using Dijkstra’s Algorithm. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(12), 6668–6673.