Improve Performance of Adaptive Multi-Modulus Frequency Divider by Pulse Triggered Flip Flop

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Satish khande, Rakesh jain


A divider of frequency with minimal power & greater speed with multi modulus is elaborated along design of a PLL. In this document by making use of a ff initiated by a pulse is plowed by which a definite divider with 2 levels can improvise the frequency of function & deduce decadence of power. A constituent which is adaptive s formulated to be retained in a divider with great mode of saving in power. The frequency of a defined divider with 2 levels in accordance to CMOS of 130 nm process may attain 4 GHz. The basic decadence f power is division by 49 mode at 63 uW with frequency of 1 GHz or 156uW at 4 GHz. In a contrast of the counter of Johnson FD, frequency of a divider with 2 levels is improvised & so the proportion of optimization of power.

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How to Cite
, S. khande, R. jain. (2015). Improve Performance of Adaptive Multi-Modulus Frequency Divider by Pulse Triggered Flip Flop. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(12), 6626–6630.