Pushing the Limit of Data Leakage Protection Solution

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Arzoo Arora, Prof. Ravindra Divekar


Employees are the backbone of the organization, but they’re also the biggest risk to the very data that makes the business thrive. Whether an insider is malicious in their attempt to take your confidential data for personal gain, or they just don’t know better and mishandle confidential data thereby putting it at risk, insiders significantly contribute to data loss. The sensitive data could be customer information, personal details, intellectual property and many more. "Data Loss" and "Data Leak" are often used interchangeably. To keep corporate data safe, people, processes and technology must holistically address the insider threat. Different companies offer the data loss prevention (DLP) solution to protect data at rest, in motion and in use.

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How to Cite
, A. A. P. R. D. (2015). Pushing the Limit of Data Leakage Protection Solution. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(12), 6525–6530. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i12.5089