Comparative Study between PPP Mode of Contracts and EPC Mode of Contracts

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Ashwini Wadedwer., Shreedhar Patil.


India has the second largest road network in the world. To meet the challenges of growing demand for new and better infrastructure services the resources are limited. To increase and improve infrastructure services in short duration, the Public Private Partnership is an attractive alternative. In India National highways consists of single lane roads, which have prolonged and neglected. This length is about 20,000 km. These single lame national highways would have to be upgraded to two lane basis, but most of these highways have low traffic density, in such cases PPP mode will not viable, annuity based models are also expensive and conventional contracts will require more time and cost. To make such projects viable EPC Engineering Procurement Construction should be adopted.

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How to Cite
, A. W. S. P. (2015). Comparative Study between PPP Mode of Contracts and EPC Mode of Contracts. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(12), 6511–6513.