A Review on Image mosaicing for secure Transmission of University Exam Question Paper

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Miss. Suchita N. Sangvikar, Mr. P. R.Thorat


The rapid spread of the digital world nowadays which is powered by ever faster system demands greater speed and security. Real time to secure an image is a challenging task due to the processing time and computational requirement for RGB image. So, to cope with these concerns, many innovative techniques of image processing for data hiding are required. In this paper new data hiding scheme is proposed which is known as image mosaicing. Image mosaicing is the process of merging split images to produce a single and complete image of the document. For this technique two input images are required one is secret image and second is target image, by merging these two a new image is made called as a mosaic image. So, the creation of mosaic image and lossless recovery of secret input image for question paper security is presented in this paper.

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How to Cite
, M. S. N. S. M. P. R. (2015). A Review on Image mosaicing for secure Transmission of University Exam Question Paper. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(12), 6478–6484. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i12.5079