Implementation of Sea Water in Construction

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R. D. Anjikhane, Prof. P.R.Khare


As a population increase the requirement of various things also increases which would create a scarcity problems in the world. As we see in surrounding, the water scarcity is a big issue today and we could not think our life without water. So, it’s today need to find a solution for water scarcity. While finding the solution for water scarcity it is necessary to keep in mind that whatever solution we find should be ecological. Solution should be such that should not create any further problem. Nature is expert in maintaining balance in environment and how to keep the water sources clean and nourishing. Our traditions, also could maintain their water sources for the past many years. Water quality problems and water scarcity both are due to population and pollution of air, caused by increase in industrialization and the use of fossil fuels. This produces rain with nitrates and acidity. This pollutes the surface water bodies and also the groundwater. Agrochemicals also leach into the ground and surface water and create pollution. Conventional wastewater treatment technologies involve use of external inputs of recurring chemicals and also use of electricity,only to cause pollution, electricity scarcity problem due to overuse of fossil fuels, destruction/separation/disposal of valuable plant nutrients. This paper discusses ecological seawater treatments. This paper study the compressive strength of concrete block using tap water and sea water by biosanitizer and. In the ecological approach, biosanitizer eco-chips are first used to make the wastewater eco-friendly. Use of this treated water as a construction water gives greater compressive strength to the concrete. Strength of concrete increases when seawater is treated by biosanitizer. In this paper various problems of unavailability of water is described. The solution for this problem of water is solved by using the seawater which is available at a large quantity. It gives better result in water scarcity problem in construction field. This paper has gives guidelines to carry out study of implementation of sea water in construction areas and useful to prepare a feasibility report.

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How to Cite
, R. D. A. P. P. (2015). Implementation of Sea Water in Construction. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(11), 6379–6383.