Pattern Matching based on Extracted Features of Leaves

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Modassir Anis, Mukesh Azad


In this paper, the main focus is to classify and authenticate the medicinal plant materials widely used for Indian herbal medicinal preparation. Plants are the backbone of all real life on Earth not only for the human being as well as other species also. The image of the leaf is taken using a digital camera, under a white background for detecting the sharp features of the leaf and also for better clarity. Software implementation was the captured features are extracted and also it is related to the data base and shows the result. By using tool the snapshot are stored in the database, so that the leaf can be recognized by matching the captured image from the database. The proposed method concludes the features of different leaf and shows matching percentage based on the features of different leaves using matlab.

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How to Cite
, M. A. M. A. (2015). Pattern Matching based on Extracted Features of Leaves. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(11), 6301–6303.