Microcontroller Based Protection and Control of Three-Phase Induction Motor

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Prof. Ms. Madhuri Balasaheb Zambre, Mr. Vivek Vitthal Waiphale, Ms. Bhupali Popat Kumbhar


The fundamental aim of this paper is to distinguish issues of three phase Induction Motor (IM )and control thefaults.The three phase Induction Motor may encounter numerous outer deficiencies because of change in input supply from MSEB, which extremely impacts on three phase Induction Motor.So the protection of motors from such faults is critical. The different faults are under-voltage, single phasing, Over-current and phase reversal and so on. The most essential parameters are Voltage and Current.

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How to Cite
, P. M. M. B. Z. M. V. V. W. M. B. P. K. (2015). Microcontroller Based Protection and Control of Three-Phase Induction Motor. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(11), 6287–6292. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i11.5036