A New Methodology for Contactless Energy System Using Inductive Coil Positioning Flexibility

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Prof. Ms. Madhuri Balasaheb Zambre, Mr. Vivek Vitthal Waiphale, Prof. Mr.Chetan Madhukar Gaikwad


This paper portrays a system, Contactlesstransmission of electrical energyfrom a power source to an electrical load without interconnecting conductor. As of late, expanded remote power exchange frameworks innovation exploration has prompted frameworks with higher effectiveness. Contactless transmission is helpful in situations where interconnecting wires are badly arranged, incomprehensible or perilous. These days electrically worked hardware's are associated with the supply by means of plugs & sockets, however can be hazardous or have constrained life in the vicinity of dampness. In dangerous areas and in submerged applications, the Contactless EnergyTransmission System(CETS), by which electrical energy may be transmitted, without electrical association or physical contact, through nonmagnetic media of low conductivity. The CETS has been utilized to exchange up to 5kW over a 10-mm crevice, utilizes high-frequency attractive coupling and empowers module power associations will be made in dangerous natural conditions without the danger of electric shock, short-circuiting, or starting. With contactless Inductive Power Transfer (IPT), it is conceivable to exchange electrical energy to stationary or mobile consumers without contacts, links, or slip rings, another precise and particular configuration displayed in this paper.

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How to Cite
, P. M. M. B. Z. M. V. V. W. P. M. M. G. (2015). A New Methodology for Contactless Energy System Using Inductive Coil Positioning Flexibility. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(11), 6279–6286. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i11.5035