Cordial Labeling in Context of Ring Sum of Graphs

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A. H. Rokad, G. V. Ghodasara


A function f from vertex set V of a graph G to the set {0, 1} is called cordial labeling if the edge labels produced by absolute difference of the labels of end vertices of the respective edges in such a way that the number of edges with label 0 and 1 differ by atmost 1 and similarly the number of vertices with label 0 and 1 differ by atmost 1. A graph which admits cordial labeling is called cordial graph. In this paper we have derived cordial labeling of ringsum of different graphs.

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How to Cite
, A. H. R. G. V. G. (2015). Cordial Labeling in Context of Ring Sum of Graphs. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(11), 6272–6275.