Aspect Mining for Drug Recommendation: A Survey

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Ms. Jagtap Monali D, Prof. Salve B. S., Prof. Amrit Priyadarshi, Ms. Sawant Pooja T.


Now a days due to this computerized world all the information related to the patients queries are available on internet. This survey paper compares various research issues and few techniques related to the user query for their drug discovery. These reviews helps users to know more about the drug dosage, their side-effects and also specifications. Reviews provides positive as well as negative feedback, Hence these reviews also plays an important role for patients and pharmaceutical industries. The probabilistic aspect mining model (PAMM) identifies aspects according to the class labels. PAMM finds aspects related to one class instead of finding aspects for all classes simultaneously in each execution. PAMM also find aspects measured using the mean point wise mutual information .Hence mixing concepts of different class label gets avoided.

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How to Cite
, M. J. M. D. P. S. B. S. P. A. P. M. S. P. T. (2015). Aspect Mining for Drug Recommendation: A Survey. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(11), 6266–6271.