A Review Paper on Automated Fuel Pump Security System

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Mayur Gawade, Sandesh Gawde, Sonal Kanade, Prof. Rashmi Adatkar Jadhav


The paper proposes an automated system for fuel pumps which aims at safe and secure fuel delivery, ensuring that the customer gets the equivalent amount of fuel for what he or she has paid, hence successfully eliminating any sorts of fraud or malpractices that mightoccur at a fuel pump station. The existing system involves resetting the transaction when the nozzle has been placed back on the dispenser, which, subsequently leads to misconducts as the operator may or may not reset the same and fuel the vehicle with inappropriate or lesser amount of fuel. The proposed system makes use of a RaspberryPi for resetting the fuel vending machine. It will automatically reset the dispenserwhen the vehicle passes the unit, this will prevent the possibility of fuel theft. The system will also use Bluetooth smart for communication between the RaspberryPi and the reset logic.A RaspberryPi camera will monitor the fueling area which will be displayed to the customer on a screen.

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How to Cite
, M. G. S. G. S. K. P. R. A. J. (2015). A Review Paper on Automated Fuel Pump Security System. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(11), 6156–6158. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i11.5009