Learning Aid for Autistic Students

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Sanket Vichare, Aakash Trivedi, Prajakta Thorat, Prof.Shubhada Labde(Guide)


Autism and Autism spectrum disorders are terms which are commonly related to the disorders of the neurological development of the brain. The general characteristics of the people facing this disorder are difficulties in social interaction, verbal and non verbal communication, repetitive behaviors, lack of concentration, less attention span, decreased visual perception and hyperactivity. No two autistic children can be same. Each autistic patient has different characteristics. There is no specific cure for autism but there are measures which can help them to improve their way of living, such measures include certain therapies and medical interventions. But along with these, the autistic children are found to have a high aptitude and reception towards technology which include computers and computer related devices. So there is a need for such technology which can be useful for teaching these children certain things which they can learn while enjoying at the same time. This technology can be extremely useful in the treatment of autistic patients. So the basic idea of this project is to provide an integrated solution in the form of a software application which would act as a learning aid for the autistic students .The project would consist of several modules which would try to improvise on the several difficulties faced by the students .The project would be developed keeping in mind their temperament and their capabilities. It would be developed specifically for the children having autism and similar learning disorders and would focus on improving their social skills, special education, memory and cognition through several interactive sessions and games.

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How to Cite
, S. V. A. T. P. T. P. L. (2015). Learning Aid for Autistic Students. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(11), 6149–6150. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i11.5007