A Survey and Security Analysis on One-To-Many Order Preserving Technique on Cloud Data

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Miss. Harshali Anant Agutale


The data on cloud computing is encrypted due to security concern or the factor of third party digging into it. As the consequence to this, the search over encrypted data becomes a complex task. The traditional approaches like searching in plain text cannot be apply over encrypted data. So the searchable encryption techniques are being used. In searchable encryption techniques the order of relevance must be consider as the concern because when it is large amount of data it becomes complex as relevant documents are more in number. We have discussed the probabilistic OPE technique known as one-to-many OPE. The expected result is to be that cloud server cannot penetrate in actual user data and provide the search on encrypted data will be performed and results will appear in order of relevance score. Even though with good security of one-to-many OPE the cloud can get the information of the plain text if differential attack occurred on the cipher text by calculating the differences between the cipher text.

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How to Cite
, M. H. A. A. (2015). A Survey and Security Analysis on One-To-Many Order Preserving Technique on Cloud Data. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(11), 6127–6131. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i11.5002