Web Service Based News Portal

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Aniket Padwal, Ujjwal Bagwe, Rahul Chaskar


Providing web services for smart phones is the currently recent booming topic, this happened because the smart phones are used in almost every area, where today’s user uses it for mobile banking, emailing, searching location and data. Smart phones are advanced in terms of processing power, memory, an embedded camera, sensors and same time parallel advancement in wireless network and software web technologies. This project will direct our work in the current generation platform technologies and standards such as Android OS and REST for News Portal. It is a complete news portal showing all the news around the nation in an interactive fashion at one place. It aims in bringing more simplicity for obtaining news about any issue round the nation. Every newspaper and news channel publishes the news on their website. So a person has to visit various websites if the user needs information about any current news in which ever language the user wants. So this portal aims to bring all the news of all different languages grouped together under one banner by provisioning web services. All sorts of news ranging from breaking news to cricket news are covered over here. Information regarding daily horoscope as well as latest stock prices are also obtained in this single portal. Mobile devices (Smart phones, PDA, Tablets), Mobile web services and wireless communications, by the year 2020 will be expected to play a central role in all aspects of our lives. The Mobile web service provisioning is substantially expanding on the concept of ‘Anywhere, Anytime and on Any Device’ to a new paradigm ubiquitous mobile computing. It is used to improve access to meaningful, quickly and required information and content through mobile web services. Many of the problems of mobile web services can be solved by targeting the distributed nature and isolated deployment of mobile applications. One of the most promising way to create viable web services for mobile devices is to add extra intelligence to the web services, both on the web service provider and the web service consumer.

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How to Cite
, A. P. U. B. R. C. (2015). Web Service Based News Portal. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(11), 6072–6074. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i11.4992