Clustering Based Routing Protocol LEACH and Its’ Variants: A Review

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Nikhat Khan, Prof. K.K. Tiwari


In clustering technique LEACH is refer as an important protocol of the hierarchical routing protocols that is applied to decrease the loss of energy in disseminating and collecting. This paper is related with definite hierarchical routing protocols that are generated from the LEACH. This paper presents some main points of few problems and drawbacks in LEACH and explained how to recover via the sections of LEACH. In this paper various properties are compared, also accomplishment and problems of all hierarchical routing protocols are compared. In this it is also discussed regarding the LEACH and its several protocols that are depend on hierarchal routing protocol.

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How to Cite
, N. K. P. K. T. (2015). Clustering Based Routing Protocol LEACH and Its’ Variants: A Review. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(10), 6067–6071.