A Comparative Case study on Different Parameters of Blowfish Algorithm with other Cryptographic Algorithms

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Vaibhav Poonia, Rahul Guha, Jai Prakash Kumawat


As we use our data of high value or confidential one then we are in need of protection. An appropriate solution is always needed to maintain the significance, accuracy & sensitivity of data. So, now in this digital era security and privacy has become an important issue. So, throughout this paper we will have a comparative study cum analysis of cryptographic algorithms like Blowfish, DES, AES, and Diffie Hellman.

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How to Cite
, V. P. R. G. J. P. K. (2015). A Comparative Case study on Different Parameters of Blowfish Algorithm with other Cryptographic Algorithms. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(10), 6024–6026. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i10.4981