Fuzzy Based Trust Model for Peer to Peer Systems

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Gayathri S. P, Madhumita A Chatterjee


Unknown nature of peer to peer system opens them to malicious actions. A fuzzy based trust model can create trust relationships among peers. Trust decisions are adaptive to modifications in trust between peers. A peer’s trustworthiness in giving services and recommendations are assessed in service and recommendation context. The model utilizes fuzzy logic to integrate eight trust evaluation factors into the reputation evaluation process for improving the efficiency and security of peer to peer system. The reputation and recommendation trust metric is combined for computing a global trust metric which helps in selecting the best service provider. In this manner peers develop a trust network in their vicinity without utilizing earlier information and can tone down attack of malicious peers.

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How to Cite
, G. S. P. M. A. C. (2015). Fuzzy Based Trust Model for Peer to Peer Systems. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(10), 5986–5988. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v3i10.4973