Demystifying the Sizeof () operator in C through Assembly Code

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Harsh Patel, Anubhav Chaturvedi, Mr. VishwasRaval


Sizeof() is extensively used in C Proramming Language. However, many of the prgrammers might not be aware of the use and the power of sizeof(). The peculiar thing about sizeof() is that looks like a function and takes an argument as one of the data type, primitive or non-primitive, and operates. But the fact is that it is, actually, a compile time unary operator, which can be used to compute the size.It returns the total memory allocated for a particular object or a data type in terms of bytes. This paper throws light on the power and related matters of sizeof() and tries to decode the mystery.

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How to Cite
, H. P. A. C. M. V. (2015). Demystifying the Sizeof () operator in C through Assembly Code. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(10), 5972–5975.